One Tonne Challnge

In order to combat climate change, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) and Tai Po Environmental Association (TPEA) launched the One Tonne Challenge Carnival at the Star Ferry Central Pier in July 2007 by calling on each Hong Kong citizen to pledge to reduce CO2 emissions. On average, each Hong Kong citizen generates a greenhouse gas emission equivalent to 6.7 tonnes of CO2 every year 1. CO2 emissions are associated closely with fossil fuel burning, so, One Tonne Challenge’s action points focus primarily on energy saving to combat change. Two years on, we have collected over 200 thousands public's commitment of over 16,000 tonnes of CO2 reduction.
Our daily CO2 emissions are associated closely with fossil fuel burning. In 2007, the Energy End-use Per Capita in Hong Kong is 42.46GJ: about 35% energy used in Tranportation and 25% electricity used by household. Coal and Natural Gas are the 2 mian fuel used to generate electricity in the Hong Kong Electricty Generation Station, by which 5.6 million Tonne of CO2 emitted for every 1000 million Watt electricity generated. While for vehicles, 2.4kg CO2 and other waste gases emitted for every 1L petroleum used.
Why don't you join the One Tonne Challenge now to combate against Climate Change? We believe Cut Down One Tonne CO2, You CAN Do It Too.
We urge you to register NOW to pledge to take the Challenge and discover more actions that you can take.
1According to the Data from the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, each Hong Kong citizen generates a greenhouse gas emission equivalent to 6.7 tonnes of CO2 every year excluding the energy comsumed during the production and transportation of products and goods. Login Join Now and use our One Tonne Challenge Calculator to work out your CO2 saving budget. Join hands to mitigate Climate Change.